Come Sale Away With Me: SSENSE Finds $200 or Less
More than 80 items, from door-hinge tank tops to homoerotic knits, that'll keep your proverbial mainsail hoisted and rudder barnacle-free!
It’s SSENSE sale season again! And again, I am bringing you the world’s foremost roundup of more than 80 actually worthy items $200 or less that are waiting in the wings for your clickage—the list is longer and better than ever this go around! This year, I won’t be participating in the sale myself, as I am short on money (which you can always help rectify by subscribing to the newsletter’s bonus editions for as little as $2/month, below ;)), and shipping to Argentina is a nightmare and a half. So, I’m gonna need to live vicariously through you—please fill me in if you get something, on or off the list! I love seeing your scores.
I used to be a really good sailor when I was a kid, FYI. I sailed sabots, which are basically slow, semi-buoyant bath tubs. The only real holdover of this is an affinity for the titular song and an obsession with sailor-inspired garments, like those in Vaquera’s recent collection and the Loverboy cap below.
This post is not divided into gender or category. Everything is at or under $200 before taxes, etc, and is something I find worth its price (or, at least, worth your consideration). I tend towards items that are utilitarian and hyper wearable, but have special details or a sense of humor that makes them fun to put on and eye-catching enough to define an outfit. There are a few sections below of trends I noticed in the sale that I’d told you all about on HR in the past year plus, for no reason other than personal satisfaction at having spotted them early.
If you like these posts, please let me know by liking and commenting here or on HR’s Instagram, subbing to the HR Substack (this) for as little as two bucks a month, one dollar per bonus post (subsidized subs available HERE) or for ZERO DOLLARS, share (tag me if on IG so I can see and thank you)!
Thank you SO MUCH for your support, whatever you are able and willing to do to help is extremely valuable to me and I’m honored to be a small part of your life on the web.
Note: I might earn a commission if you purchase items using some of the links below, which costs you nothing and might actually save you a few bucks in some cases, so thanks if you do, and please let me know what you copped!
Cut-outs (as per Quarter Life Crisis Trend Report)
Orange (as per Bonus: I Changed My Mind)
Full-neck chokers/neck warmers and Alt panniers (as per From Skelts to Orbs: My Silliest [But Most Serious] Trend Predictions)
Time to watch 53 consecutive videos by The Dodo and pass out face down in my plantain/bean/avocado arepa.
<3 HR
Note: I may make a commission if you purchase items using some of the links above, which costs you nothing and might actually save you a few bucks in some cases, so thanks if you do, and please let me know what you copped!
i bought a bra from kye intimates... it’s nice but the straps are really wide set in the back which is beautiful and sexy however they fall off the shoulder....... BUT i will be re perusing the sale thanks to ur picks especially the nu swim 🧐