How to Dress Like a One Piece Character
By someone who's only one tenth of the way through the series.
Hi! If you don’t know what One Piece is, don’t click away just yet—this monolith of an anime (over 1,000 episodes and way more manga chapters) has a lot of incredibly inspiring outfitting, even for non-weeaboos. Each of the distinct 1,217 speaking characters has their own defining look and garb. For this post, I styled looks based on the first five members of Captain Luffy’s Straw Hat crew, in order of their joining the team, explaining the rationale of choosing each piece.
TikToker Wisdom Kaye made OP-style outfits for like twenty of the main characters, and it brought me TO MY KNEES, both by his excellence and by how comparatively, incredibly poor I am. All of the below fits are gender-agnostic, and tried to include SOME budget-friendly pieces in the fold, because I think subtle, fashionable “cosplay” should be accessible to everyone. Also note that this definitely isn’t cosplay, it’s real styling I actually would wear loosely based off of the characters’ styles, but I hope this at least serves as inspiration, and if you need help finding a specific piece at an affordable price point, hit up!
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Luffy is unhinged and creepy in the most lovable, inspiring way possible. He rides harder than hard for his friends and says yes to almost every adventure. He really makes me want to be a more expansive, less fearful person.

Not much rationale needed here, just something for your hair because Luffy’s iconic straw hat will appear in a different form…

One thing that bothers me about OP is that all the characters seem to carry around full arsenals in their underwear, so I liked that this red vest has so many cargo pockets (and a deep V for a slutty Luffy moment if you have a big chest ;)).

I wanted to reflect how Luffy’s shorts are rolled up at the bottom, but I don’t like actually cuffing shorts, so I found these to simulate the color.

I thought it was fun to represent the straw hat in a way not immediately cosplay-ish, and I love the designer, Maryam Keyhani, so I always like to include her work.
Luffy is always clomping around in thick sandals (that he somehow bounces and dashes around in, never losing one??), so I picked these to add some texture to the bottom half of the look.
I have…feelings for Zoro, and his style inspired the Slutty Boys post, so…

The most cosplay-y element of any of these looks. I just like how they look, and I like that it’s designed for a single ear piercing, but triple piercings with varied gold charms would be just as (if not more) cool.

Thrift this, please don’t buy it for $28 hahahaha.

The perfect Zoro Henley (wear a bit unbuttoned).

In some scenes, Zoro adds a red-and-white striped shirt over his henley, and it looks goofy, especially with his green-forward color scheme, but goofy in a hot way. It’d also look really hot over a white tank top.

These are insanely priced but I loved the high waist, the colorblocking, the technical structure.

These look like they could kick ass!
Nami is kind of a bitch but lovably so. She is smarter than anyone gives her credit for, and is unfathomably the only Straw Hat to change clothes on any kind of a regular basis, so she’s my pick for a roommate if I were to join the crew.

I chose this barette because it looks like a tangerine peel, and the fruit is central to Nami’s tragic backstory!

Nami would toootally be a Paolina Russo girl, and she wears a green tank in Arlong Park, so this seemed the perfect fit.

One of the few pieces of clothing Nami seemingly is loathe to change is her orange miniskirt.
You can buy cosplay-ish Log Pose bracelets, but I liked the mixed metals in this one—feels very subversive, like how Nami tries to be.

Finally, her gladiator sandals—she inconceivably runs around in heeled ones, but I like these and they look pre-aged, which is kind of nice (kind of stolen valor, but I don’t bother myself with such considerations).
Usopp is a freak [both derogatory and complimentary] who is scared of everything but tries to be brave, so I relate to him deeply. The bravery is in the attempt!

I won’t even start about skullcaps again. Search in the HR backlogs if you want to know more.
These are both dorky and retro, technical and showy, which I feel encapsulates Usopp’s contradictory urges.

The perfect brown overalls! And the stars are like the little explosives he shoots in his slingshot!

A cool belt.

These boots honestly look so much like Usopp’s, I was proud I found them.

I love that Usopp’s main bag is a gigantic coin purse. I found out the clasp is called a “Kiss Clasp.”
Sanji is another huge male slut inspiration, a consummate ladies’ man, and somehow not a dirtbag at all. He just loves and respects all women.

Of course Sanji needs a cigarette handy at ALL TIMES.
I liked how these blues clash a little with…

…This blue. Maybe it’d look wrecked IRL, but Sanji sometimes wears really ugly shirt + tie combos, so it’s excusable under the auspices of the canon!

The main thing you need to dress like Sanji is a SNATCHED-waist blazer. The “women’s” version of this is better in the curves regard, but this one is double-breasted, like Sanji’s. Literally as cartoonishly cinched the waist can be, it should be.

Skinny little chicken legs.

I love that Sanji wears square-toed kicks, and think he would like these.
I’m only like 100 eps in, so I have an embarrassingly long journey ahead, but thanks for coming along on this part with me! Happy trails!
<3 HR
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as someone who came to one piece first and fashion second this is the funniest crossover ive ever had the pleasure to witness