Real Eyes Realize: Accessorize
Hair sculptures, defensive gloves, tabis that don't make me feel angry, the (comfy!) shoe brand that's about to be everywhere, and my most talented friends' wares.
Hello! First off, a huge, effusive thank you to those who have donated to my GoFundMe. I know there are a bazillion people who need help, now more than ever, but I am one of them (though I am lucky to currently be safe with family). As I wrote on my GFM: I have had an unfortunate five years that have landed me in deep medical, student loan, and credit card debt. I am a freelance fashion, beauty, and copywriter and editor (you can find some of my work at my portfolio site) and proactively find myself jobs, working usually 5 or 6 at a time with no security or insurance, moving everywhere from NYC to Buenos Aires to PDX and crashing with generous family members and friends, but the situation is becoming unsustainable and I truly feel at a loss.
I've avoided making a GFM for months, because there are so many people who need money and support especially right now, but I have to accept that I am one of them. Any money donated will go toward paying my monthly medical bills, repairing my credit, and trying to either find a stable living situation or acquiring a cheap car so I have some place to go in this interim period. I am humbled by any generosity you may be able to show me and cannot wait for the day I know is coming when I'm back on my feet and can be there if you ever need me.
N.B. I am always open to opportunities and gigs if you want to help but aren't in a position to do so financially, and if you'd rather sign up as a $5/month member to Esque that would be just as welcome and appreciated. Even just sharing your favorite work of mine is invaluable to me right now.
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The worse things get, the more I find myself fixated upon the frivolous: sunglasses, rings, and other baubles have been at the top of my mind, especially since it’s a season where wearing sufficiently warm and comfy clothes is a chore in and of itself, so the easiest way to make a look look like a look is to add a few easy pieces to top it off. Below, you’ll find some of the ones that’ve caught my eye recently, most excitingly, pieces made by people I know and admire.
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Katie Vada is simply the coolest—she bought me nachos after last season’s Presley Oldham show and told me about the genesis of her accessories brand, Vada, which has had an inordinate number of challenges, not least a grand opening scheduled for what became the first week of the pandemic. All of Vada’s wares are thoughtfully made to last, but it’s the glasses that have continuously charmed me—I love to see Katie modeling them on my Instagram feed, especially with her new blonde hair that I accurately associated with “Nicole Kidman if her wig stylist didn’t hate her.” The above are two of my favorite styles of Vada glasses, though it’s hard to pick—I just love the teal frames with the yellow-amber lenses and the chubby curves of the aviators. If you’re in the market for new glasses (sun or prescription), I’d invest in Vada!
I saw Sara Camposarcone wearing these:
And was immediately taken aback. Though, of course, they’re already sold out, I love the idea of glasses that turn one’s eyes into anime-like emoticons—they remind me of the inverse of those Kimhekim tear glasses I styled in last week’s Wong Kar-Wai post.
I’ve never seen hair combs as inspiring as these by artist Simon Skinner:
The strategically placed bolts in the spinal-looking edge—horrifyingly perfect.
I feel like this WOULD bring its wearer fortune.
I think they’re unavailable as of now, but I will keep an eye out for more of Skinner’s work—one of the best ways I’ve ever seen a 3D printer put to use. While I can’t find combs as uniquely shaped as these for sale anywhere, I was surprised and impressed by the very well-thought-out color choices for these sub-$1 ones:

I really like this relatively-affordable faux fur bonnet, especially for those of us without much of our own hair to spare on cold days, but what really caught my eye was…

…this bonnet, which looks like what one of the Nosferatu girls would have worn if they somehow ended up in Anora instead. #topical #oscars #relevant

LL, LLC is one of my favorite jewelers—I keep missing them when I’m in NYC, but I hope we get the chance to connect over NYFW (I’ll be in town styling the Feb 9th JRAT show, please come!). This ring is described as “buoyant” and “springy,” which is a lovely contrast to the chunky, self-serious jewelry I usually end up coveting.

This is the ring I’d buy if I could, though—cartoonish, like a brick wall in an animated film before a character tags it with spray paint, but also deeply refined without being fussy. It’s a daily wear piece, for sure.
Noon is another one of my favorite jewelry houses, and I LOVE that you can carve your own ring, which the studio then casts for you in silver. Such a perfect gift.

This affordable ring is in the same wheelhouse as my beloved brands above!

I think this ring got served to me by my IG algorithm—I guess I have a very clockable sense of visual humor.

Floating World is yet ANOTHER jewelry studio I love, and the use here of tiny chains to make tassels of sorts has me rapturous.
I’ve always loved Floating World’s Scroll Necklace ($295) and have posted about it a billion times, so of course, this chunky vintage necklace had me drooling. I can imagine how secure I’d feel with it clamped around my neck.

I say this necklace in-person at the Yo Store and loved it—red jasper has this hippie-dippy, surfer-guy style to it that is very comforting to me in the winter. I’d pair it with another current fixation, one of these rashguard-like shirts from Lou.
My Instagram friend, stylist Hannah Freeke, came up with these ingeniously offensive spiked gloves that remind me of Gui Rosa’s hats but are much more practical for those who walk home alone at night and would prefer not to carry an “actual” weapon.

Speaking of Gui Rosa though, this cap is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

I’m obsessed with this under-the-radar brand of masculine shoes, especially what seems to be its flagship silhouette, this weird foldy dress shoe. I really like this patinated leather colorway, too.

I think slippers like these could be pushed to have an even more circular vamp!
Ecco is the shoe brand you’re about to see EVERYWHERE. It’s apparently outfitting the feet of Nicklas Skovgaard’s models this season with these awesome flats-turned-boots with the addition of a scrunchy sheath. I’ve heard good things about the brand’s comfort level and would love to road test a pair once I’m not in dire financial straits.

This is a great deal for what appear to be well-made, supportive loafers! I’ve written about my red loafer fetish before and these would certainly satisfy that desire.

Besides Nicklas, the other telltale sign Ecco is headed toward supernova status is the fact that Chloë Sevigny boasted this pair, which I quite like, last fall. There is only one size—35—left, but I’d try and cram my usually-36s in if I got the chance. I usually dislike heeled loafers, but these rub me the right way. I love the boat-shoe-like detail of the lacing around the sides of the shoe’s opening. Makes it feel way more casual and not aspiring toward, like, office wear.

I basically can’t look at Margiela tabis anymore without my eyes rolling to the back of my skull, but I like this Etsy brand’s way-more-affordable, seemingly-tactical take of the split-toe style—the velcro closures make the look so much less precious and “just so,” which is what I think has been bothering me about the OGs.

Either going full tactical or going full clown is the way to de-fussify the tabi, I think. This is the perfect shade of blue I’ve kept coming back to recently.
This coat, from the (well done) Loewe cash grab Howl’s Moving Castle collection I doubt Jonathan Anderson was even privy to, cost over $10k. I have been a Rosie Evans fan for so long that I was not surprised to see her (now-sold) jacket that cost under 1/20th of that price and was similarly charming:
I do think that the chaotic crows’ nest coat is underrated for the winter. You can just start adding random crap to your lapel and collect as you go. Inspiration:

Thanks for being here despite it all. I am humbled that you’re even reading this and I appreciate you to DEATH and back.
<3 ESK
I love the uber-embellished jackets/lapels. 💕 sending good vibes to you, Esque!
Upgrading my subscription rn. You always inspire me and I learn so much! Love those Vada glasses 💕