They're Letting Boys Be Sluts Now!
From swimwear to Saltburn, masc dressing is at a fever pitch of sensuality, and thank god for that.
Hi hi! Feeling sick in the head again today, but managed to finish this post I started when in better spirits and inspired by my friend Morgan’s comment (read on to see it) to make a post on the BEST slutty things a man/masc/whoever’s in a Man Mood can wear. To me, “slutty” is a morally neutral term, meaning desirous of something: attention, sexual or otherwise; validation; to be the main character of the day or night. Here, I only picked the masc-y trends that are both slutty AND “good,” because my friends all yelled at me when I tried to include goatees (I’m so sorry, I’ve been One Piece pilled by Sanji and Law). Anyway, long live slutty guys and sorry if you hate seeing the word “slut”—you’ll probably wanna skip this post. I, for one, think it’s a fun word and am excited to share it with dressers of all genders.
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Top-concealing swimwear

I was inspired to write this post when my friend Morgan responded to this image I shared on my Instagram story, writing: “oh they’re letting boys be sluts now!!!finally” [sic]. I agreed—something about the coy covering up of the chest and torso made the bare skin on either side seem much more erotic than the typical full-frontal you get with a pair of swim trunks. That old adage about covering up being sexier than baring it all, blah blah. The brand’s masc g-string bikini bottoms are also extremely slutty and have MATCHING BATHING CAPS!!! I think the intentionality and retro coyness of “dressing up” for the beach is so hot, and the perpetrator knows it.
Chintzy muscle tanks

There’s something so slutty about Barry Keoghan—before the Saltburn press junket, I couldn’t have cared less about either of its leading men, but after THIS???? and THIS????? Dear god, the two of them have a GRIP on my heart, but Barry especially seems eager to simp for Jacob Elordi as much as he can muster, and whether it’s genuine or contrived, it comes across extremely…hungry of him. I’m a fan of whatever it is. When I saw this chintzy, tea towel-patterned muscle tank I was proud of myself for instantly recognizing it as an Adam Jones joint. Jones is most famous for his tanks upcycled from towels with old beer company logos on them:

But all his upcycled pieces in that perfect wide-strap tank cut are MADE for self-aware, sheepish peacocking. They’re a little dorky, a little old-fashioned, but ineffably sexy.